ORDER BY is ascending by default but can be descending with the DESC additional keyword.
"SELECT * FROM players ORDER BY name"
"SELECT * FROM players ORDER BY name DESC"
name is a column in the values part of the table players.
DELETE FROM table_name WHERE condition
deletes records only.
forgetting to use WHERE will delete all records
A .commit() is required.
Use %s in the WHERE qualifier to prevent SQL injections.
sql = "DELETE FROM players WHERE name = %s"
nam = ('Smith',)
mycursor.execute(sql, nam)
sql = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS table_name"
removes table and all of its records.
This will remove all records and no .commit() needed. The optional IF EXISTS will prevent an error message.
UPDATE is a more complex SQL statement.
The format is:
sql_comm = "UPDATE table_name SET column_name='user_input' WHERE column_name='user_value'"
If you forget the WHERE conditional, then all records will be updated to user_input.
A .commit() call is required and it is best to use %s holder to prevent SQL injection.
Note that when 2 or more placeholders are used, then a trailing comma is not needed in the tuple.
sql_command = "UPDATE players SET name = %s WHERE name = %s"
person = ('Jonathan', 'John')
mycursor.execute(sql_command, person)
print(mycursor.rowcount, "record(s) affected")
.rowcount() gives the number of matches.
Use LIMIT at the end of the SELECT statement to restrict the first # matches.
sql_command = "SELECT * FROM players WHERE name = %s LIMIT 3"
nam = ('Steve',)
mycursor.execute(sql_command, nam)
just returns the first 3 names of Steve, even if there are 4 or more matches.
Since results are returned in ascending key order, the optional OFFSET keyword will stagger down the list and thus skip the OFFSET # of first (early) matches.
sql_command = "SELECT * FROM players WHERE name = %s LIMIT 3 OFFSET 3"
makes the first returned match be the 4th actual match overall in the table.
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